Integral Sound Healing
1-2-1 Sessions
Sound Baths

My name is Charlotte and I am an integral sound healer and musician based in beautiful rural Perthshire in Scotland.I run a regular sound bath at Clunie Village Hall, every first Thursday of the month.
2024 dates:
2025 event news coming soon!

Photos by John Need

© Sound Healing Perthshire. All rights reserved.

What is Integral Sound Healing?

Mixing ancient wisdom with modern techniques, integral sound healing works gently and positively on all levels of your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Using frequency and vibration to bring you to a place of wellness, integral sound healing facilitates natural healing.Everything in the universe vibrates at a frequency – each cell in your body has an optimal frequency. Illness or dis-ease experienced in any form from physical or emotional to mental or spiritual suggests that the body, at some level, is not vibrating at its optimum frequency. Sound Healing facilitates the body's natural ability to self-heal by bringing it back into into harmony, so bringing about improved health, balance and well-being.Integral Sound Healing can help in the reduction of pain, trauma, shock and depression. It can also reduce stress and anxiety, reform stuck mindsets, facilitate emotional release and enable spiritual transformation as well as improving sleep, self-confidence and energy levels.

1-2-1 sessions

My studio is a calm and cosy space, in which I invite you to lie or sit comfortably, while I assess your energy fields. I will then bring you to a place of balance through visualisation and relaxation, moving through the body and biofield using frequency and intention in order to release any blocked energy. These blockages can be experienced on a physical level but may also appear emotionally, mentally or spiritually. As your energy begins to flow freely, your body will be able to naturally heal itself. I will use instruments both on and off the body depending upon the wishes of the client.I use a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, drums, chimes, rattles, shakers and voice.I encourage you to join me in a journey of healing over the course of several weeks or months into a place of health, mindfulness and holistic well-being.Sessions last between 75 to 90 minutes.Prices:
Full price: £60 per session or £220 for a block of 4 sessions
Concessions: £50 per session or £180 for a block of 4 sessions
Under 18: £40 per session (accompanied by a parent or guardian)
Please arrive in comfortable clothing.

Sound Baths

Sound Baths are a perfect way to relax.You will be 'bathed' in a wash of sounds, frequencies and vibrations which may bring you into a blissful medititve state as you give your body an opportunty for relaxation and restoration.If you are looking to experience sound healing for the first time, this is the perfect place to start.You'll need a yoga mat, pillow and blankets as you will be asked to lie on the floor (or sit if this is more comfortable). Bring water with you as remaining hydrated is essential!I will be running a regular sound bath at Clunie Village Hall, every first Thursday of the month.
2024 dates:

About Me

I hold a Diploma in Integral Sound Healing with Individual Clients from the Sound Healing Academy and offer individual client sessions along with sound baths around the Perthshire area.
I am a trained classical musician and have worked in the music industry for over 20 years.
After becoming a mother, I felt drawn towards alternative paths, particularly in holistic health. I trained as a naturopathic chef, qualified in Reiki, undertook some shamanic studies, and have also written some books for children which can be found hereHowever, it wasn’t until a friend took me to my first sound bath that I knew that sound healing was the path for me. The journey to becoming a sound healer seems to have brought together all my strands of study from the last few years and I feel honoured to be able to facilitate healing in others through sound.

What my clients say...

"Charlotte is truly amazing. Her sessions are a sanctuary where my mind can quiet, and my stressful energy can find harmony. Her approach is not just about the healing properties of sound, it’s also about nurturing a space where you feel safe and heard. Her empathy as she guides you through the process whilst listening to your needs, set her apart. With each session, I’ve witnessed tangible progress in my journey towards holistic well-being, as Charlotte’s space allows for a deep relaxation and profound healing. I wholeheartedly recommend Charlotte to anyone seeking to start their journey of healing and transformation." (C)"I was amazed at how the treatment affected the discomfort I had with my knee prior to the sessions. I would recommend sound healing to anyone!" (J)"My sessions have been amazing. I had a break through which I am hoping has set me free from some fear and hate I have had bottled up for over 40 years. Charlotte was so kind, understanding, gentle and just nice to be in her space, she make you feel good before you even start your healing session." (P)"Charlotte created a calm, nurturing and inviting atmosphere and she demonstrated the various instruments before commencing the session. I knew what to expect and how everything worked, there was a real sense of structure throughout the session. My experience was safe, fully energised and deeply calming. Blissful." (W)"Never felt so good! I have recommended Charlotte to several friends already...." (D)


For more information about 1-2-1 sessions or sound baths, please fill in the form below. I am based near Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.I look forward to helping you on your healing journey!